Thursday, April 12, 2007

Worrying Tummy Aches

After I walked over and collapsed on the couch, I lifted up my head to look at my suitemate.

"My tummy hurts," I said.

We both knew why. I had just eaten an entire pint of vanilla caramel brownie ice cream, the entire day's worth allotment of calories included.

After a few pathetic moans, I added, "Tummy is a rather childish word." She looked up from her computer screen and nodded her head in silent agreement.

"It's making your tummy hurt, the word tummy," she said.

I was puzzled.

"Tummy is a childish word, but you used it in reference to your stomach," she explained. "Now, not only does your stomach hurt from the ice cream, but you'll become all anxious about whether or not saying the word tummy makes you seem childish. You'll lay there and wonder if I'm thinking about the fact that you said the word tummy, which will in the end only make the tummy ache worse."

At this point, my tongue is beginning to thaw so I choose not to respond. I continued lying there and realized how sometimes I do indeed worry about the oddest things. I suppose it's nice to know she knows me well.


Unknown said...

Oh my, that pretty much made me laugh my ass off. I am pretty funny, but Christina makes me sound even better. Nicely done, Watts. Now go pop a couple of Tums.

And by the way, for everyone reading, my name is Jess.

Ariel said...

Wow, you would have stayed there worrying about what she thought of you for using the word "tummy."

Todd said...

steeve... sometimes i just dont know about you

Captain Princess said...

Well, at least "tummy" is better than "potty".

Ariel said...

Hey! I say potty!

Captain Princess said...

...and one day, your childrens might take you seriously.

Ariel said...

My "childrens"? I only plan on having one set.

Captain Princess said...

...probably think fishes isn't a word.

Ariel said...

sure it is...unlike geeses and mooses...

Captain Princess said...

They are all words. They refer to different species. "Potty" is not a real word.

Ariel said...

geeses and mooses aren't real words. I'm desperately clinging to my childhood here! I'll grow out of it eventually, but for now I'm still going to go potty. It's better than saying something more explicit or redneck like "I'm going to go take a piss" that sounds REALLY mature.