Sunday, April 15, 2007

A Few of My Favorite Things Part II

  1. Kalaloch - My favorite place
  2. Potatoes - They're so versatile...bake, bake again, scallop, mash, boil, fry, mash then fry, hash browns, soup, broil, french fries, in perogi, dumplings, chips, the possibilities are endless...
  3. Perfume - Makes me feel like a lady.
  4. Sparkly jewelry - Makes me feel like a lady.
  5. Disney - I am the Disney animated feature trivia Master. If Christina and I could team up and some Disney Trivia Knowledge Bowl Tournament we would so win!
  6. van Gogh- "Café de Nuit" and "Starry Night" I love the colors.
  7. Warm rain - not that we ever get any.
  8. Thunderstorms - I love when the thunder rolls and you can feel it in your bones. It makes you feel so small and I like that for some reason.
  9. Getting flowers - a rare occurrence, but it's nice when it happens.
  10. Storms on the beach - I know it's weird that I like storms, but it just puts me in my place. It's a hard feeling to put into words.

Not so favorite things:

  1. Not being able to find a bathroom - it's even worse when you're stuck in traffic and a truck with a Port-a-Potty goes by...
  2. Burning garlic - It wrecks the whole dish.
  3. Scary movies/TV shows - I personally don't enjoy being scared out of my mind.
  4. Feeling stupid (education wise) - I know I'm smart, but sometimes...
  5. Moldy bread - possibly the worst smell in the world. Makes me naucious just thinking about it.

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