Friday, April 20, 2007

"Are You Wearing Flip-Flops?"

This story is from a while ago, but I still think it's funny.

So for all of you who don't know, I wear the same ring on my right pinkie finger every day. I only take it off when I swim (usually). When I take it off at the pool I put it on the little hook inside the locker. I have never forgotten about it and have only lost it once (interesting story). One night after I swam, I was talking to my mom on the phone (Ali was there too) and I was going to fiddle with my ring like I usually do when I talk to people. When I went to touch it, it wasn't there! I had left it in my locker at the pool! So, I was like "CRAP! MY RING! I LEFT IT AT THE POOL!" and Ali was like "GO GET IT!" So, I grabbed my keys and my ID and ran out the door. I literally ran all the way to the pool, which is not that far, right across the street, but I DO NOT like to run. Anyways I was still on the phone the with mom and Ali while I was doing this and I ran in the rec. center, handed them my ID and ran into the locker room and opened the locker...if I was a cruel person I would just end the story right there. Anyways I opened the locker and thankfully there it was just hangin' there. So I grabbed it put, it on, and ran back out. The two people at the desk were just watching me like it was totally normal for a person to sprint into the locker room and sprint back out a few seconds later...and I was still on the phone by the way. Then I ran all the way back to my dorm. And my sister, who was still on the phone, was like "Are you wearing flip-flops?" "Yeah." "Wow, I can hear them, while you're running!" "Wow."

The other story of me losing my ring was a few years back. I took a shower and a few hours later I realized my ring was missing. I looked all over the house for it and finally decided that it must have fallen off in the shower and gone down the drain or something. Well, a few months later, I was shaving my legs and looked over at the huge bottle of shower gel that was there, on the bath tub, next to me and there was this weird green ring around the neck of the bottle. This wouldn't have been weird, but the shower gel was orange not naturally I took the top off and stuck my finger in (if you see weird green liquid you probably shouldn't put your finger in it) and there was my ring. Then I remembered, when I was in the shower the day I had lost it (my ring not my mind) I had stuck my pinkie in the bottle to unclog it and it had slipped off because of the soap! Makes you wonder where all of the things you lose end up doesn't it?

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