Monday, April 2, 2007

The Beginning

Christina and I have been discussing starting a blog for quite some time. We both decided that individually we would not be interesting enough to have a blog, nor would we be driven enough. After giving up on the blog idea, one of us (I'm not sure which) thought about doing a blog where we both made posts. I started digging around on Blogger and found information about Team Blogs. You'd think that would be the end of the story, but it's not. The next challenge was coming up with a name for our blog. Summing up one person's intentions in one or two words is hard enough let alone summing it up for two people. For weeks we thought and thought. Finally Christina, in a fit of geniusness, used a thesaurus and thus anomalous was found. We will further describe the perfectness of this in another post. Now we needed a noun. After another dig through the thesaurus and finding nothing suitable we decided on "happenings." From there it all fell into place.

Please enjoy.

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