Wednesday, April 11, 2007


I can't stand it when people mumble. I can handle people talking quietly, but when they refuse to open their mouths a little wider so others can understand what they are trying to communicate makes me crazy! If it is really that difficult to enunciate then at least mumble to me and not to your desk. You don't have to look at me if you don't want to, but your mouth needs to be directed towards my general area. That way I can try to make sense of your mish-mashed words.

It is especially frustrating when people mumble in Spanish. It's hard enough to understand you in English let alone in a foreign language. Now add a loud classroom to that mix. The fact that I now can't hear you mumbling in a foreign language is just one more added challenge.

Isn't it frustrating for the mumbler when no one can understand them? I cannot understand this behavior. Speak up! I say. Speak up!

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