Thursday, April 26, 2007

Oh My Josh!

Tickets went on pre-sale this morning for the second leg of Josh Groban's Awake tour. Pre-Sale was to start at 10AM and as I'm you probably guessed I was sitting in front of my computer at 9:30 ready for action. I stared at the clock in the corner of the computer screen and the instant it turned to 10:00 AM I click on the link that said "Buy Tickets."

I was totally ready. I had been practicing all night. You only have 90 seconds to type in all your information before the page refreshes and you lose your place in line. My credit card was out and I started inputting information. 2 tickets, best available, password, GO! It went. "We're sorry. You're request could not be processed." WHAT??!!! YES IT CAN! It did it again, and again and again, but it still couldn't be processed. They must have sold out in pre-presale for FOJG members only the night before. I was pissed (for lack of a better word). Frustrated beyond belief, I called my mom. "It just wasn't meant to be, honey." Why the hell not, I though.

That's when more anger set in. It would have been meant to be if there wasn't a pre-presale! Why would you do that? Have a pre-presale the night before to fan club members only?! That's STUPID! I'm a starving college student. I can't afford to pay $50 a year for fan club membership. I AM THE FREAKING FAN CLUB! I skipped my favorite class for this and they're sold out?! I grabbed my bag and stormed to class, late.

Needless to say, I was not a pleasant person for those two hours before I returned to my room. I was still in shock, so I check the Josh website again to see if I missed something, which I often do. Sure enough, there it was. " Pre-Sale Information." I clicked on it to see what they could possibly be telling me that I hadn't already found out. I was expecting to see "Pre-presale Tickets sold out in record time!" but no. It said the password. It was in all caps. I didn't use all caps...then the little voice in my head said "TRY IT AGAIN!!!!" So, naturally, I did. And guess what...I GOT TICKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Possibly some of the best tickets in the arena!!!!!!! I was in shock from the sudden reversal of my previous sad shock. Of course I called my Mama and said "Mommy! I think I just got tickets!!" "You think? That's never good." "NO I GOT TICKETS!!!! SECTION 114, ROW 4!!!" "Really?" "YES!" "Guess God was looking out for us." "GUESS SO!"

I'm kinda excited.

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