Friday, April 6, 2007

No More Cones For Me

In light of the lovely weather today, a few friends and I decided to walk across campus to visit Ferdinand's, an ice cream shoppe where the ice cream is made right here on campus. (The same shoppe also apparently makes some pretty impressive cheese.) I had not yet visited the shoppe and decided to get two scoops of ice cream in a waffle cone. I forgot just how large waffle cones are and how small my mouth is in comparison. Take into account the aforementioned warm weather and it was a recipe for disaster waiting to happen.

The scoop on top, cappuccino chip, teetered quite erratically. I was unable to eat it very effectively because too much pressure and I was certain it would roll right off the cone and into my lap. Eating became a delicate balancing act. At one point my friend looked up from her own cone and started laughing at me. She said that every time I took a bite (or tried to) I had a look of sheer terror on I face. My terror was quite justified. It took half an hour just to eat the darn thing and soon enough, about 2o minutes in, the ice cream was melting faster than I was consuming it and chocolate gooeyness dripped onto my shirt.

Waffle cones may seem fun and festive, but in the future I will stick with my cup and spoon.

1 comment:

Ariel said...

cappuccino chip! YUM-O!

PS I can totally picture you trying to eat that cone and whimpering as you tend to do.