Monday, April 16, 2007

A Few of My Favorite Things Part III

  1. Campfires - I like the smell, even though it takes 5 showers to get it out of your hair.
  2. Softball - Just playing catch gets me all excited.
  3. Sweaters - No one likes to be cold.
  4. Music - Who doesn't love music? There's a style or two for everyone.
  5. Feel Good Movies - I like to feel good.
  6. Feel Good Books - or as I like to call them "Feel Book Goods."
  7. Board Games - because you play them when you're bored.
  8. Drawing/Doodling - one of my outlets.
  9. Watching TV - I have at least one show for almost every day of the week. Pathetic.
  10. Random facts - I am a fountain of useless information.

Not so favorites:

  1. Litter - I come from the Captain Planet generation. "The Power is yours!"
  2. Loud cell phones in quiet places - I'm sure the next time I'm in a quiet place someone will call me.
  3. Ripping my favorite jeans - happens all the time.
  4. Dirty Bathrooms - I hate community kitchens and bathrooms...bluhhh.
  5. Dirty Kitchens - Two places that just need to be clean.

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