Friday, April 20, 2007

A Few of My Favorite Things Part VI

  1. The Sound of the ocean waves - I basically love all aspects of the ocean.
  2. Having a full tank of gas - so many possibilities.
  3. Good surprises - I hate the bad ones.
  4. Caramel - especially with chocolate.
  5. Asking questions - as long as I don't feel stupid afterwards.
  6. Dressing up - "I feel pretty. Oh so pretty!"
  7. The woods/forest - unless they're spooky woods.
  8. Inside Jokes - because they're funny!
  9. Finding lost things - because then they're not lost anymore.
  10. Free stuff - Duh! If I get it for free then I don't have to buy it!

Not so favorites:

  1. Water I can't see through - makes me feel like I'm swimming in bacteria and that something I can't see is going to grab my legs and pull me aquatic vegetation.
  2. When the batteries in whatever I'm using die - always at the worst possible time.
  3. The smell of wet cigarettes - the smell of normal cigarettes is gross enough.
  4. When I don't have a hair tie - that's just annoying.
  5. When my ankle pops in mid step/run - pain is bad.

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