Monday, April 30, 2007

The Room Was Romantic

Today in writing class my instructor decided to have the class do some writing exercises. I consider myself a terrible writer so I wasn't exactly excited. The first few exercises were rewriting sentences to make them more understandable. Then he started talking about writing styles. The next exercise was titled "The Room Was Romantic." We had to describe a romantic room without actually using the word romantic. Okay, sure. We all wrote our require half page of romantic room description. Unsurprisingly, when we all had finished our instructor asked for volunteers to read what they had written. Also unsurprisingly, no one raised their hands. I didn't raise my hand because I always volunteer to read my examples and decided to take the day off from volunteering. I was considerably proud of what I had written though. Then he started calling on random people. The first person he called on was a member of my group. I wasn't expecting what I heard. The guy read his thing and I felt like I was listening to someone narrate one of those romantic novels with Fabio on the cover. It was kind of weird. I wasn't so proud of mine anymore...

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