Tuesday, April 3, 2007

My Turn

I'm Ariel. I am currently a student at Oregon State University, but as you have probably read I will be going somewhere else next year. I am an international business major and Spanish minor. I plan to study in Spain next year to fulfill my Spanish minor requirements and I want to study in Italy my senior year to fulfill my international business requirements, but we'll see how that goes. I'm not a journalist and I don't write like one. I tend to rant when I write and get really wordy, so I apologize ahead of time for that. I consider myself to be the more aesthetic member of the Anomalous Happenings team, where as Christina is the analytical/politically savvy member. I am an obsessive list maker so expect a few of those. I love the beach and the ocean for obvious reasons. I watch too much TV and quite a bit of that is the Food Network (I just learned how to link). I love swimming and playing softball. I amuse myself really easily. I just about always have some sort of lip gloss/chapstick with me. Josh Groban is my favorite singer, but I listen to all types of music. I often describe myself as a fountain of useless information and it's true for the most part. Some of my pet peeves are when people have their pants tucked into their shoes, being treated like a child, really dirty bathrooms, stupid questions (yes they do exist), and Disney sequels.

I find myself encountering anomalous happenings on a regular basis. I promise to do my best to report them to you and stay true to the theme of this blog. If anyone reading this ever has any questions for either Christina or me please ask them. We love to know that we have an audience.

1 comment:

Jim Anderson said...

As one of your new fans, I welcome you into the world of blogging. May you never escape it.

Also, green text on a light blue background is really hard to read.