Wednesday, April 11, 2007

How College Works

This post could take several different directions. I could talk about what kept me so busy yesterday I didn't have time to post, but the answer to that is really quite simple: Newspaper. I could write about how ridiculous it is that I had three classes canceled this week (two for the entire week, the third just for one day), but I've already complained about college. I don't think many of my peers would appreciate my complaints about my lack of classes anyways. It makes me sad though, because I enjoy being challenged. My courses this semester are easy enough as it is. Not even having to go is ridiculous.

This brings to mind yet another thing I could blog about. Sometimes I wish I wasn't such a good student. I don't mean that I wish I didn't do well in classes, but sometimes I wish I could overlook what I feel my obligations are as a student. No matter how pointless or boring I expect a class to be, I can't not go. I go to every class, even if it's just a review session. I should be happy when classes are canceled instead of feeling cheated. Other students are envious of my schedule. It seems like it should keep me satisfied too. But alas, I was hoping to get more out of college than a degree. I went into to college foolishly thinking I would learn things (including things outside my major). As I come to the end of my freshman year, I have learned that's not exactly how college works. Maybe upper division courses will be an improvement. One can hope.


Todd said...

(shakes head and chuckles)

ooooooh steeve

Ariel said...

I'm sure once you start taking more classes that apply to your majors you'll be more challenged.