Friday, April 6, 2007

Congested in Corvallis

When I went to bed last night I couldn't wait to wake up the next morning to a beautiful day of sunshine, flowers, and butterflies. When I did wake up, however, I was experiencing the antithesis of a beautiful day. It was indeed sunny outside with not one cloud in the sky and I could feel the warmth of the day and the lovely spring breeze before I even opened my eyes. When I finally did open my eyes I was NOT happy. My eyes were sticky and gooey, my nose was plugged, my mouth was dry, and I felt the uncontrollable urge to sneeze. Allergy season has officially begun. I have felt it coming little by little since the beginning of March, but today was the first day all the symptoms came together to torture me. This will continue every morning from now until October.

I take Zyrtec and Singulair every morning, but they don't start working until after I become affected by the pollen. I also have medicated eye drops. Those tend to help for a little while, but if I use them too much they start to take the reverse effect and make my eyes stink and burn more! The thing I hate most is nose spray. As I alluded to in a previous post I don't like things going up my nose. It's incredibly uncomfortable. One might argue that being stuffed up is even worse, but I have to disagree. Once you spray the stuff up your nose it doesn't stay in there if you're too plugged up and if you can manage to get it up there far enough it runs down the back of your throat and leaves a nasty flavor to linger there for hours! Not to mention you have to stick the top part of the squirter thing in your nose and who knows what kind of nasty bacteria is growing on it! Even though Antonio Banderas makes it seem like it is the perfect solution for allergy congestion, I think I'd rather get allergy shots (I hate shots).

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