Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Where have all the workers gone?

While I am one who truly enjoyed high school, it is hard to deny that college has some perks. Today, not only were my first two classes canceled, but I was released early from the third because the teacher was not feeling well. As I am a double liberal arts major only in my freshmen year, I also had no homework except for some reading in Poli Sci. (I actually find it quite surprising how minimal my work load is after all the work required to gett an I.B. diploma. Still, I suppose if I.B. had not prepared me so well, my first year at college would not have seemed so easy.) This left me the entire day to work on several articles and brought to mind something which has hampered my attemtps to be an efficient journalist.

The work day traditionally ends at five. If I am trying to reach someone for an interview, I try to do so during the work day so I don't disturb his or her evening. It frustrates me a great deal therefore, when people leave their office before five as I've discovered many are apt to do. They may not think they'll accomplish much in that last half hour of their day, but at work they should remain until the work day officially ends. I will be in the newsroom long after five. It's the least they can do.

On a side note, I've discovered it's easy to write much more in these posts than I originally intend to, as evidenced by this case. I think it stems from the fact that I'm not always sure where the post is going. Much of the introduction to this one, for example, is completely unnecessary.

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