Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Stereotype: Drinking

I hate stereotypes. They’re extremely hard to avoid, especially in school. The stereotype I most passionately try to avoid is underage drinking.
It is a common thought/belief that all college students drink. That is not true. I would agree that the majority of college students drink and that a large percentage of those students are binge drinkers, but there are students that do not drink. I choose not to drink not simply to defy the stereotype, but for a number of reasons.
I think many young adults drink only to get drunk. Many adults do this as well. When I choose to drink I want to enjoy it responsibly and go home sober. I understand that there are young adults that do drink responsibly and I am glad because I think that is a hard thing to achieve with all the peer pressure at parties and on campus. Personally there is no aspect of being drunk that appeals to me. I do a pretty good job of making a fool out of myself when I’m sober so I can only imagine how foolish I would be if I was drunk. Medically, excessive drinking can cause serious health problems and addiction. We’ve all learned about this in school. Alcohol abuse/addiction is a scary thing and it runs in my family so I don’t even want to take the risk.
I’m not saying I’ll never drink. I’ve had alcohol and I don’t want people to think that I make my decision because I’m naïve or unexposed. I make my decisions based on personal experience and the experiences of those who are close to me. In the future I’m sure I’ll drink wine with dinner or go have a margarita with my friends, but I can wait.
A common response from people when they find out I don’t drink is that I need to get out more. Frankly, I find that rather insulting. One shouldn’t assume that because I don’t drink or smoke I don’t have fun and/or that I lead a boring life. Christina and I have fun all the time (when we’re together) and we never drink. I can’t deny that this year at college has been a bit boring, but that is because of other issues not because I don’t party.
Please don’t misunderstand my intentions for writing this post. My goal is not to pass judgment or insult those who choose to drink. My goal is to explain why I choose abstain from drinking to those who don’t understand. So, don’t be insulted if I turn down your party invitation. I enjoy my quiet, relaxing, sober evenings and I hope now people will accept my decision and not try to pressure me into something I clearly do not want to do.

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