Friday, April 27, 2007

Following the IMDb Game

Guess the movie and I'll tell you if you're right.
I've added more clues. *#10's clues changed on IMDb when I went to get more clues...

  1. Virgin Mary/Lover/House/Woman (Under The Tuscan Sun - Christina)
  2. Love Triangle/Dead Brother/Gold Mine/Child Kidnapping
  3. Con Artist/Caper/Mastermind/Perfect Crime (Ocean's Eleven - Mr.A)
  4. Sibling/Piano/Parent-Child Relationship/Snobbery
  5. Pirates/British Empire/No Opening Credits (Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl - Josh)
  6. Judo/Romantic Comedy/Martial Arts/Heiress/Ellis Island New York (Hitch - Christina)
  7. Character's POV Camera Shot/Disney/Turns Into Animal/No Opening Credits/ Magic (Beauty and the Beast - Todd)
  8. Self Sacrifice/Teen/Heroine (Little Mermaid - TRP)
  9. Police/Car/Death/Shoot/Accident/Mini Cooper (The Italian Job - Christina)
  10. Brother Sister Relationship/Color Remake of B & W Film/Mirror/Librarian/Shot to Death (The Mummy - Christina)


TeacherRefPoet said...

#7 looks like Shaggy Dog.
#8 is Little Mermaid. (It was also on my list. Same three words.)

Ariel said...

That's a no on #7.
#8 is correct.

Captain Princess said...

#7 is the Emperor's New Clothes? (The Inca one...I don't know what it's called).

Todd said...


Ariel said...

way to go Todd. cheater.

Captain Princess said...

#5--Pirates of the Carribean.

Ariel said...

Yes. The Curse of the Black Pearl.

Jim Anderson said...

1. Maria Full of Grace
2. The Apple Dumpling Gang
3. Ocean's Eleven
4. The Piano
6. Rumble in the Bronx
9. Every Cop Film Ever Made
10. The Aristocats

Ariel said...

Well, you got #3.

Christina said...

#1 Under the Tuscan Sun
#6 Hitch
#9 The Italian Job
#10 The Mummy

Ariel said...


Ariel said...


#2 - The Mask of Zorro
#4 - Pride & Prejudice

Christina said...

Gah, the game was not over. I just figured out that #4 was Pride and Prejudice. I knew it. Now I am sad.

Ariel said...

you snooze you lose. you pretty much won anyway.