Monday, June 25, 2007

Can't Seem To Get It Right

So once again it seems I am pissed off at the moronic happenings of the world and I'm relying on AH to help me vent. Two weeks before I was to move back home, I came back for Memorial Day weekend. During that weekend I went into Big 5 to fill out all the necessary paper work so I would be ready to start when I returned in a couple weeks. The paper work process takes about a week, then they have to put me on the schedule. I was totally excited because they had given me a raise and promised me more hours and I would have Wednesday nights off for softball. We decided I would start on Wednesday the 13th. I thought I was set. Oh how naive I can be.

I came home two weeks later and called my manager, Troy, to find out when I would be working that Wednesday. Turns out my main manager, Paul, forgot to put me on the schedule. "Of course he did," I think. I was annoyed and expressed so to Troy. He sympathized and promised I would be on the schedule the next week. Sunday the 17th rolls around and I call Troy again to find out when I would be working that week and he says "Ariel, you're going to be so mad at me." *Silence* I couldn't speak. I knew what he was going to tell me and I was already pissed. All I could eek out was "No way Troy."
"I'm so sorry. Paul told me he didn't know what your availability was, so he couldn't put you on the schedule and now I'm looking for your information and I can't find your employee number or anything. You're not on any of our new hire or re-hire lists."
"Why not," I asked trying to stay calm.
"I have no idea."
" what? I need to work Troy. I'm now two weeks without pay. What's going on?"
"I don't know. I'll figure it out though. I'll take care of you don't worry."

Well it was too late. I was beyond worried. My mom had taken that week off for my sister's graduation and decided to take me to Olympia to job hunt while she went shopping. I spend the week applying online and at location, and looking through the paper for something to do, but no one has responded. On Tuesday the 19 (the day of Ali's graduation) I called Troy again. He told me I had to come in and take care of some things I had previously been informed I didn't need to bother with. I went in and took care of business like always, and on Wednesday Troy finally called me, instead of the other way around. He asked me if I could come in on Saturday for a training day. I absolutely could. I didn't need a training day because I was already trained, but this way he wouldn't have to take hours of the schedule and I would still get paid. Plus they were going to teach me how to use the cash register, so I guess it really was a training day. While I was on the phone with him, again, I asked if I was on the schedule yet. He said no, but he had gotten a few people to give me some of their hours. Great. So naturally I asked him what days. He told me Tuesday and Wednesday. "That's it," I thought. Yup. That was it. 10 hours. That's it. I need MORE THAN THAT!!!! Fine. So, when I went in to work on Saturday I told Troy I was looking for a second job, because he had screwed me over. I hope they feel bad.

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