Tuesday, June 19, 2007

An Amusing Obsession

Not one of mine, but one of Christina's. She is obsessed with my legs. It's not as creepy as it sounds, I just can't stand next to her when she's sitting if I'm wearing shorts. She always feels the need to poke my thigh right above my knee and laugh. When I stand my thigh muscle flexes and she finds it strangely amusing to poke it and say "Poke! ooh wow...poke!" Then just to amuse her more I flex the rest of my leg and she goes "OOH don't! Hehe, poke! You're leg muscles are so big!" I always just laugh and tell her she's silly. Then she'll say "no really, look...poke! See? Why are they so big? Poke poke poke." Sometimes she'll poke just to see how long it takes me to say "ouch." As you can imagine it doesn't usually take very long. I really don't mind, it's actually quite flattering because I don't think my legs are anything special. My favorite thing is when I walk by her and she pokes me really quickly and does her little girl giggle like she's so innocent. NOT.

1 comment:

Todd said...

no it really is as creepy as it sounds