Monday, June 11, 2007

The Mathematical Properties of LOST

Josh will appreciate this. While I was taking my math final about 20 minutes ago I was shocked at the mathematical complexities of LOST. I believe it was problem went something like this:

Jack asks Kate and Hurley to go fishing. Kate catches 65% of the fish, but 15% of them are inedible. Hurley catches 35% percent of the fish, but 20% of them are inedible. If Jack reaches into the bucket and pulls out an inedible fish, what is the probability that it was caught by Hurley?

At first I didn't see the connection and just started to solve the problem (rather easy). Then I started to vividly picture Jack reaching into the bucket and then I pictured Kate and Hurley fishing. In my head I said "DUDE!" I almost started laughing then realized other people around my might not think it's so I wrote "I LOVE LOST" on the bottom of the page...maybe I'll get some extra credit!

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