Saturday, May 5, 2007


On my way home from school, I stopped and stayed the night at my grandparents' house in Wenatchee. As I walked in the door,

"Hi, honey. It's so good to see you," my grandmother said. After a pause she continued,"Wow, you've filled out haven't you."

For the record, I am exactly the same size as when she saw me last. Only she could make such a comment without upsetting me. I also got a brief lecture because my ears are double pierced. They've been double pierced since last summer, but this is the first time she noticed. She did the disappointed head shake and tongue click combination to let me know how she felt about it.

She also sounded shocked when I told her I didn't have a boyfriend.

"What are you doing at school then?" she asked.

My aunt saved me by explaining that my purpose for going to school is not to find a significant other.

Still, I love my grandmother and while she perhaps too readily shares her thoughts about my appearance, she also is telling everyone and their mother's uncle about my being news editor. She's very proud of me and was very happy to see me.


Ariel said...

What do you mean you're going to college for something other than finding a husband? That's madness! I'm very disappointed...

Captain Princess said...

Lindsay's grandparents love asking her if she's going to college to get her M.R.S.

It's funnier if you say the letters out loud. Old people are silly.