Saturday, May 12, 2007

Greenwashing Makes No Sense

Some corporations choose to greenwash (advertising that they are green when they really are not), but why? You would think that because so many large corporations do greenwash that there would be a reason or two. They greenwash to make money. People will spend money for a cause, so to make money they fake a cause. They do indeed make money, but now may companies are realizing that they will make more money by being truly green. Some companies are still not though. Why not? I don't the point. Even if you don't care about environmental issues I'm sure you care about making money. Why waste the energy (pardon the pun) in keeping up a lie when you can really be sustainable and make more money? If anyone has the answers and sources to back it up tell me NOW! I'm afraid I am at a dead end with my argument paper.

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