Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Drama, Drama, Drama

As I've said before, I hate drama. I especially hate the fact that drama and overly dramatic people seem to be drawn to me. Why is that? Webster's defines drama as "an episode that is turbulent or highly emotional" or "the quality of being arresting or highly emotional."

Through my experiences with it I have learned that there are different types of drama:

Attention Seeking Drama - performed by someone who is desperate for attention. Within Attention Seeking Drama there two types. There are those who are dramatic by making everything seem worse than it is, ex. my sister. She got in a car accident recently. She called me on the phone, hysterical, crying so hard I couldn't understand her. She had been rear-ended in her new car and she made it seem like the whole back end of her car was destroyed (when she finally calmed down that is). When I finally saw the car in person however, it wasn't that bad at all. Her tail light was cracked and there was a little dent near the fin of her trunk. Exaggeration. My favorite was when she came home one day and said "Oh my God, I almost got pulled over today!" I always call me sister on her exaggerations so I said "That's not even possible. What you mean is that a cop drove past you on the freeway." "Yeah, but he almost pulled me over." "You cannot almost get pulled over." Then I laughed at her and walked away. Being laughed at is always frustrating to the attention seeker. Later that night I told my mom who said the same thing.

The other type is when someone exaggerates all of their actions, ex. my roommate. She was sick for a few weeks and was coughing uncontrollably. One day she decided to take some Benadryl (the doctor told her it was because of allergies) and naturally she was sleepy. She was sitting on her bed studying and eating cereal out of the box. Suddenly she was overcome with exhaustion and shoved everything off of her bed and onto the floor, sending cereal flying everywhere, then violently laid down and grunted (she does this stuff all the time) Homie don't play dat, so I ignored her like always.

Because I don't give them the attention they seek it makes them try harder, which in turn just annoys me more. Vicious cycle.

Actual Drama - this one is obvious. Sometimes things really do go wrong and actually are dramatic, which sucks. My father and my grandmothers are experts at making life dramatic and they don't even know it. Actually I think my grandmothers fall into the above category. My father however just makes poor choices. I also think he is going through a post-midlife-crisis. I think this happens to everyone. These combined cause drama.

I cannot deny that I am dramatic at times, especially when I am sad. It happens to the best of us. What bugs me most is that I don't like being in Corvallis because my roommate is dramatic and I become dramatic because I don't want to be here. But once I get home it is there waiting for me. Drama in all it's forms is exhausting. It's an interesting paradox.

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