Tuesday, May 29, 2007

"Things That Make Ya Go 'Bluuuuuuuuuh'"

Last night I decided I didn't want to go buy food because I wasn't very hungry, so I decided to make one of the packages of Ramen that I have been ignoring. I went to the lounge down the hall where there is a sink and a microwave. When I walked in I was instantly grossed out. It was filthy. Someone had spilled soup all over the counter and in the sink and it smelled disgusting. I cringed, shivered and gaged a little. I really have little tolerance for a dirty kitchen. The place where you cook should just be clean, it's common sense. The people in my dorm however, don't seem to have this common sense. The lounge is constantly dirty. Thank God for the cleaning staff who whip down the counters and vacuum and take out the trash in there because I think I would have starved without them. Are my fellow dorm-mates just lazy or stupid? Both perhaps. Clean up after yourself, PLEASE! If you don't like to clean then don't make a mess.

Also, there is a sponge that has been there since I moved in in September. I would throw it away, but I'm too scared to touch it. I hate kitchen sponges so much I can't even tell you. They just sit there on the counter wet, and soaked with germs and bacteria. The smell like death and make me want to vomit. I'm not kidding when I say that. I hate the smell of mold and that is what sponges smell like. I think grody is an appropriate word.

It's a good thing I can plug my nose with my lip so I can cook without having to smell the sponge and the nastiness left by the previous person. Bluuuuuuuuh.

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