Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Doing Their Chival Chivalrous Duties

Today two different boys went out of their ways to hold a door open for me. It was actually really nice. This morning one of the boys was halfway through the door when I came around the corner face to face with him. He stopped, turned around, walked back through the door and held it open for me. Shocked, I said "Oh! Thank you!" He just nodded and walked back through the door. The other boy, this afternoon, had just unlocked one of the doors leading down to the ground floor (where the mailboxes are) and was in motion to go through it when he glanced over his shoulder and saw me coming. He too stopped, stepped back and held the door. I was shocked once again but told him "Thanks a lot!" I must say bravo boys! Chivalry is the perfect way to remind a woman that she is in fact a woman. We tend to forget sometimes.


Unknown said...

"Chivalrous" It's "chivalrous duties". Ma'am.

Ariel said...

Why thank you Sir.