Thursday, January 31, 2008

Snow Day 2

Campus will be closed tomorrow too and this time I won't have to work. I actually did fit in a little bit of play time today though.

Snow Day

We have yet to determine when was the last time the university cancelled classes, but it was at least a decade ago. All week was spent trudging through snow but today it finally became too much. Campus was closed at 10 a.m. The newsroom is currently staffed by five, those of us who could make it in. The rest of the staff is covering their respective locations however so it's like we have mini bureaus. I don't know if I'll have any time to play in the snow, but at least I don't have to go to class.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Song of the Day

For Clinton and Kyndra, to educate you.

"Centerfield" by John Fogerty. I love this song. I makes me want to play ball so bad. Anyone want to play catch?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Song of the Day

"Over My Head (Cable Car)" by The Fray.

Internal Conflict

This is why I do so poorly in chemistry.

Me1: "Okay time to study!"
Me2: "Gimme a sec."
Me1: "No. Come on."
Me2: "Just let me check my Facebook really quick."
Me1: "Okay, really quick."
Me2: "Oh, and I need to write a blog post."
Me1: "We're going to fail."
Me2: "Would that really be so bad?"
Me1: "What? Failing? YES!"
Me2: "Oh look! A new email! I should check that. It could be important."
Me1: "*sigh* Fine."
Me2: "Spam."
Me1: "Study, study, study, study!"
Me2: "Let me go warm up some coffee first!"
Me1: "Oh! I love cof- NO! YOU ALREADY HAVE COFFEE!"
Me2: "Crap. Fine. Where's my book?"

note: this conversation didn't actually take place.

First Set of Winter Quotations

My math teacher has been great so far for good quotes.

"This is the meat of the set notation sandwich, you just need to put the buns on there right?"

"What's another way to say born? Birds aren't born..."

"Does the wingspan go on forever? I hope not, that would be like a scary Alfred Hitchcock movie."

"IT'S LIKE MAGIC! Math magic..."

"Wait a second...that can't be right...I must have plugged something into my calculator wrong...ohhhhh that's embarrassing..."

"Oh boy! Look at all of these solutions!"

"This is kind of a guess-what's-in-my-head kind of question."

This guy get so enthusiastic about what he's teaching us. One time it was so bad I said (to myself and the people near me) "My. God. This is blowing my mind." I got a couple chuckles.

My chemistry professor isn't nearly as funny as last term, but he has some really good stories that he likes to share. I managed to get a couple of quotes.
Prof.:"There are three phases (i.e. liquid, sold, gas)...well actually four but we won't talk about that."
Me:"WHAT?! Everything I ever learned about science is wrong!"

"Gotta be careful about putting yourself in a a vacuum."

He also tends to say "all-gebra" instead of algebra, and molecliar instead of molecular. It bugs me.

There have been quite a few good quotes in my biology class but I'm always too shocked to write them down. They're not from the professor, they're from this obnoxious kid that like to ask the most bazaar questions. Not only are the questions odd, but he takes forever to actually get to the question. That too bugs me. Here is the only question I managed to write down.

Kid: "Do you think reptiles will ever fly again?" (There was a picture of a turtle on the overhead. That's the only connection I could find.)
Prof.: "I doubt it."

I'll try to write them down from now on. They're crazy.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Troubles With Anecdotes

Everyone loves a good story but what everyone loves more is an anecdote, good or bad. Not only do I love hearing anecdotes (especially from relatives), but I love telling them too. They add sometime special to a conversation (i.e. comedic relief). My problem is that I forget my best ones when I have the perfect situation in which to tell them. When I finally remember the short story I'm usually in a different location with a different group of people, so telling my story is pointless. Sometimes I'll tell it anyway just to get it out of my system. I would provide an example, but naturally I can't think of one. It's interesting that I'm so fond of something I have trouble properly executing. And still I try.

Song of the Day

"Leather and Lace" by Stevie Nicks and Don Henley. I couldn't find a video of the duet, but here is one of just Stevie. This song is dedicated to my parents. For some reason it brings tears to my eyes...yup here they come...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Calm and Peace

I was hanging out with friends over the weekend and talk turned to the topic of yoga.

"Do you think you'd like yoga," I was asked.

"No, I'm not a very peaceful person," I replied.

I meant to say I'm not a very calm person. I'm just a little bit high strung. You would think yoga would be good for me and help me relax, but I think my frustration at trying to relax would cancel out any of the good. I can't turn my mind off to go to sleep. I doubt I could do it for yoga.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Tale of the Tudors

Winter Break Post 3 - sometime over break

As I was tucking my youngest sister into bed last night, she asked me if I had heard of the book, The Other Boleyn Girl. I said of course I had. It’s a book involving King Henry VIII. “Did you know they’re making a movie from it,” she asked. That bit of information I did not know.

I have had a fascination with King Henry VIII since middle school. One of my expository speeches during high school was on him and his wives. I wrote a 14 page paper on his second and my favorite of his wives, Anne Boleyn, during my senior year. Last year I wrote an 18 page paper interpreting Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale as the story of Anne Boleyn. Over the years I’ve continued to learn more about Henry and his wives as I find his story to be an intriguing one.

I have mixed feelings about the author Philippa Gregory. I was excited to read a book set during the Tudor period of England. She seemed to find Henry’s story just as interesting as I did. I enjoy her books. On the other hand, I feel like she beat me to the punch. I doubt that when I grew older I would have written books about Henry VIII, but it was a daydream I had more than once in my years. Now if I did it, I would feel like I was just copying her. Similarly, I’m excited for the movie, because I did like that book, but I also think I’ll be a little bitter about it.

I didn’t think I was the only one in the world who knew about King Henry VIII, but I knew more about him than anyone else I knew. It was an interest that made me unique. Now, with the popularity of her books and possibly the movie, more people will be familiar with the tale and my knowledge on the subject will no longer make me stand out.

I will continue to read her books and I plan on seeing the movie, but I want it known, for the record, that I liked and knew about King Henry and his wives before they became popular entertainment.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

This Commercial Makes Me Sick, Sick, Sick

I drew a picture on my white board of Mr. Yuk. The picture was placed under "I HATE CHEMISTRY." Then I decided to research Mr.Yuk. Here is what I found (among other things).

The Man on the Bus

The man on the bus was asleep.
I didn't know he was asleep.
Then he started to snore.
His arm was wrapped around the back of the seat.
He did not want to fall.
He snored again.
The bus when over a bump.
Still he slept.
"Buchanan Towers," the bus driver said.
The man woke up.
He looked around.
Went back to sleep.
"Seahome High," the bus driver said.
The man woke up.
He looked around.
He grabbed his sack.
Full of prescription pills.
He tried to put his arm back behind.
He touched me.
It scared him.
It scared me.
"Oh, sorry," said the man.
I nodded.
"Birnam Wood," said the bus driver.
The man went back to sleep.
I got off the bus.

Midnight Trivia and Song of the Day

At a quarter to 12:00 last night I received a text message from one of my friends. The text read "What Disney movie is the song a dream is a wish your heart makes". My reply "Cinderella." Next message received "When does she sing it". "In the beginning. When she wakes up to the clock." Then I wrote "Any more questions (I wanted to go back to sleep)? I'm glad I'm your go-to Disney guide." The response: "Lol no thank you...I'll facebook you an explanation." I'm still awaiting an explanation, but it makes me happy that my extensive knowledge of Classic Disney movies is useful to somebody.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Song of the Day

"Imagine" by John Lennon. It's not as good as the original, but Josh Groban recorded a version for "Instant Karma: The Amnesty International Campaign to Save Darfur." It's nice. And for charity.
This song makes me a little sad. I'm not sure why.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Schnitzel and Song of the Day

I went out to dinner with my father again last night. We drove to a little German restaurant in Everson. It was called Black Forest Schnitzel and Steakhouse. If you're ever on your way to Canada and need some food go here. You can sit and watch the chef prepare the meat through a window in the dining room. The food was AMAZING! In fact, I can't wait to get back to my room and heat it back up! The red cabbage was sweet and delicious, and the schnitzel makes my mouth water just thinking about it. It was stuffed with blue cheese and ham and the smokey goodness was beyond delicious.

This new exposure to the food of my family has inspired me to make the song of the day...
"Wooden Heart" by Elvis Presley.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Fungi and Song of the Day

Last night I went out to dinner with my dad. We went to this little Italian place that I love in Fairhaven called Mambo Italiano. I decided to have the "pollo cacciatore." I was a little hesitant because it has mushrooms in it. I have never been a fan of this eatable fungus. A few of my new friends are appalled at this. My mom has always told me that it doesn't make sense for me to be so enthusiastic about food and not like mushrooms. She says I can't go anywhere in the food world if I don't like them. So, I had some last night to see if my pallet had changed and guess has. They were beautifully cooked in garlic, butter, and zucchini. Delicious. I was shocked. Mom was proud.

Therefore, because of my new fondness of garlic smothered mushrooms the song of the day is "Chinese Dance" by Tchaikovsky. Warning: if you are watching this video and assigning family members to be each mushroom, don't assign your step mom (that hates you) to be the "fat" one. Bad idea.

They're a little late

Winter Break Post 2 - about a week before Christmas

I have issues with my mother. I recently sent her a letter gently but firmly and explicitly explaining that I did not wish for her suddenly to become a part of my life. I know, this sounds a little harsh, but I really was as kind as I could be about it. It didn’t matter, because she disregarded my wishes and sent me a Christmas card anyhow. She said she hoped I changed my mind and then, in the same card, was kind enough to let me know that my sister and I are susceptible to Gardner’s syndrome. Just the kind of present everyone wants for Christmas.

Winter Break Post 3 - December 25, 2007

I got many Christmas gifts this year. As long as I keep coming home for Christmas, I think my father will keep getting me presents. I got several new CDs and movies, pajamas, a Jane Austen collection, and a pair of tennis shoes. My favorite gift, however, was my new iron and mini ironing board. I thought I would be sad to receive practical gifts, but no, I’m quite pleased with them. I really needed an ironing board and it’s a gift I know I’ll use.
I also got a lovely bit of coffee and Ariel gave me a couple books. It was a very satisfying Christmas.

Winter Break Post 4 - January 2, 2008

For New Year’s, it was the traditional celebration at Ariel’s house minus one. We had sparkling cider, Funfetti, games (Cranium, Pictionary, and Apples to Apples), and a new addition this year to help us stay awake, a special blend of coffee which we made full use of. It was not a bad way to start off the new year even if the fireworks at the Space Needle malfunctioned and the anchors acted like fools. It did seem more difficult than usual to stay awake though. If I can’t stay up till midnight when I’m not even 20, I bet I’ll sure be a blast on New Year’s when I’m 30.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Two days till the weekend

The snow has not killed me but this week of 16 hour days just might. I learned in my economics class that currently I am functioning outside of my Productions Possibilities Frontier. The feat is possible, but not sustainable. After I get into a routine of newspaper and classes again I expect things to calm down. Until then, this has been a long week. I don't have the energy for a review of my classes. Also, my computer is mildly malfunctioning so more tomorrow.

Song of the Day

"Dream On" by Aerosmith.

Thanks Todd. If there are any other requests feel free to email them to me.

Old Man Winter

There is too much snow, and it is only increasing as time goes on. I have short legs. It is not easy stepping over three foot snow drifts and the snow being blown in my face, is just not nice. Review of my classes this semester to follow later in the day if I do not slip and fall to my death.*

*You may think I'm being overly dramatic, but you haven't seen this build up of snow and ice.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Song of the Day

"Wanted: Dead or Alive" by Bon Jovi

Here are two videos. One is Bon Jovi and the other is Josh Groban at the concert I went to this summer doing Bon Jovi. It's surprisingly good.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Back To Bellingham

I am now back at school and feeling a little blue. Big surprise right? I understand more and more how Christina feels about home vs away. I love being at home because I love being with my mom. However, I like coming back to school because that means I leave the craziness behind. I feel like I'm constantly battling with myself inside about where I want to be.

School isn't fun for me anymore (I guess that's what happens when you're a science major) so I've thought about just taking some time off. But when I think about how my life would be, and I apologize for the vagueness, I just couldn't handle being at home that much. It would be too hard (emotionally). I'm hoping that once I get through this year, my classes next year will be ones I like.

I need a sign or something to reassure me that I'm where I'm supposed to be. I think about the future way to much and it makes me sad, I should make a point to not do it so much. "The Future" seems so far away, like something I'll never actually achieve. It's like I'm jumping over hurdle after hurdle and as soon as I can see the finish line the race is made longer.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Soymilk Changes

Winter Break Post 1 - December 21, 2007

Just about a week after I wrote my last post, I realized I was wrong. Things have changed. It’s not that coming home is any different or that my role when I come home has changed. As cliché as it may sound, it is me who is different. I know it’s all part of growing up, but it’s still strange. For the first time, I feel a bit of resistance. It’s not quite so easy as I thought. I’m not the exact same person I once was so it’s impossible for me to go right back into the shoes I wore at home.

I’ve become partial to the little boxes of vanilla soymilk they sell at the dining center. I’ve never had any soymilk until this year, but the vanilla at least is tasty and I like it. My family doesn’t drink soymilk. On our farm we have cows. We drink real milk. I told my father about my newfound appreciation of soymilk and he stared at me. A look in his eyes made me realize I have changed. It seems like such an unimportant thing, me liking soymilk, but it represented more. In the eyes of my father, the person I think knows me better than anyone, save perhaps Ariel, there was a mixture of confusion and shock. “Who have you turned into?” my father asked jokingly. While on the surface, the situation was hardly worth notice, there were undercurrents that I continued to think about long after the discussion had changed course. The simple conversation turned into a moment of realization that I have indeed changed, there are things about me my father doesn’t know now, and I’ll probably only change more as time goes on. I felt a strange sadness, almost a sense of loss. Life apparently only gets more complicated as one goes along.

Another semester begins

Newspaper training has actually kept me a bit busier than usual. Posts from over winter break will arrive shortly.

I had training on Thursday and Friday and today I came into the newsroom to clean the newsroom's fish bowl. Woodstein should be a happy fish now.

I have the same position as last semester, but everyone else is in new positions. I thought my job would be easier this semester since I've done it before, but I think in reality it will be about as difficult, just different. I'm trying to bring back a strong beat system and it's going to take me a while, I've discovered, to adjust to the managing editor and editor-in-chief.

My classes start on Monday and there was finally an opening in the class I wanted to take so my schedule should be quite manageable. I'm expecting more homework than I had last semester, but that's not saying much since I didn't have any homework last semester.

My suitemates are beginning to arrive and the dining centers are finally open. Everything is becoming routine again and the newness of my return is beginning to wear off.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Holidays are over

I am back in Pullman, but more importantly, I again have access to the Internet. I am sorry for the lack of posting in recent weeks but our dial-up Internet at home wouldn't behave. I wrote posts, even though I couldn't post them, and will now post them in the next several days. That is, if newspaper training doesn't keep me too busy.

How is Pullman? Snowy and cold and deserted. Finding food is difficult.