Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Farewell Blogger

For a little more than a year, Ariel and I have been blogging together. The time has come, however, for us to go our separate ways, as far as blogging is concerned. We originally started blogging together because neither of us was sure we could maintain a blog of our own. Since then, we have both developed different blogging styles and habits and as we are in two different places, we now have different audiences.

I am not only leaving AH, but also blogger. I am moving to wordpress. I made this decision in response to some peer pressure, but also because wordpress had my name open as a URL and it was easier to blog from my phone. This is what my blog could have looked like if I stayed with blogger.

But I moved. My new blog is here.

I imagine that much of my posting will remain similar, but I am going to try incorporating more images from my cell phone as I can. Ariel and I will keep this blog as a place to share our exploits when the two of us are together. As much as I hate change, I am sad to leave AH, but the time has come.

I hope you all enjoy my new blog.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Summer movies

I watched Prince Caspian and Across the Universe yesterday.

Watch Narnia for an entertaining movie, but not because you love the books. Also, I thought the prince was a huge wimp.

I continue to be a fan of Eddie Izzard, who happened to be in both films. I liked Universe, but feel like I should watch it again before I decide how much.

Another week at Ferdinand's

Grossest thing someone ordered last week: a mint pineapple milkshake (I checked three times to make sure I heard the customer correctly.)

Best mistake of the week: a co-worker accidentally poured the raspberries in the blackberries. The mixture created a delicious milkshake.

My new favorite flavor: huckleberry (we also added watermelon to our milkshake flavors this week and it was quite popular)

In other news of the week, FFA arrived in town Wednesday night and took over the campus. Beginning Thursday at 11 a.m.ish, we had a line out the door until closing. On Friday, we had a line out the door from open to close. Some of the kiddies returned multiple times each day. That's how much there is to do in Pullman.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Bookstore Woes

There is a lovely used bookstore in downtown Pullman, perfect walking distance from my summer apartment, or so I discovered yesterday. I decided to head back this morning to do some purchasing instead of just browsing. I thought the store opened at 11 and arrived promptly at said time. The store actually opens at noon.

What to do in downtown Pullman on a Sunday morning during summer? I couldn't come up with anything, but I didn't want to walk back to my apartment and then back downtown again. I spent a good 20 minutes trying to write a post for the blog from my phone while sitting on a bench, but I failed. It would not work. I spent the rest of the time circling around the block with the bookstore over and over again. That's right, a half hour walking in circles.

And this is only week one of my summer in Pullman. O what joys future weeks must hold.

I'm glad to be returning to work tomorrow because I'll have something to do.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Summer work begins

I have just finished my third full day of work at Ferdinand's. I'm not sure this summer's work stories will be as quirky as those from last summer, but there is the occasional incident worth sharing.

Training Day
- I get to experiment making all the different drinks and ice cream dishes. When it comes time to practice banana splits, my supervisor told me banana, one scoop of ice cream, one topping, whipped cream, nuts and a cherry. I get to pick the flavors. I put raspberries on peppermint because then the topping and ice cream matched. It was gross. It sat in the break room all day and no one would eat it.

Days 1-3
- I put my apron on backward.
- I made an old man very sad when I told him I can only use shake base, not ice cream in his milkshake.
- I watched a child lick the glass front of the cheese cabinet. I had to clean the slobber off later.
- I couldn't watch as an old lady walked up to the doors after we had closed. Ferdinand's has a very strict closed at 4:30 rule. I imagine it looked very sad.
- An grumpy looking woman came in and ordered a banana split. She had a dark cloud overhead but I figured the split would cheer her up. I was wrong. Split in hand she was still grumpy. I wondered what kind of grumpy person wants a banana split. She came in the next day, but I hid in the back and let someone else serve her.

Day 4 begins tomorrow.

I leave work each day smelling of a strange mixture of Windex and ice cream. I do not have internet (or T.V.) in my summer apartment so blog posting will be occurring on days I stop by the newsroom.