Saturday, March 22, 2008

I'd hoped for a smile ...

Yesterday, I was elected to be The Daily Evergeen's editor-in-chief for fall 2008. The experience was surprising. I became more nervous than I thought I would be and I didn't feel at all like I thought I would when I heard I had won.

I thought long and hard about the decision to run. The paper has become my life. As I noted in my presentation, this past year I've spent more time in the newsroom than out of it. I ran for editor-in-chief because I believed it was the best thing I could do for the paper I care about so much.

More experience would always be nice, but I know myself well enough not to do something I'm not ready for. Reactions were not what I expected, but at the end of the day I'm looking forward to next fall.

I know I can do it, and not just because I have to. I wouldn't have run otherwise. I'm glad to be editor-in-chief. I've had great examples to learn from and I hope to be as successful as the editors before me.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Farewell Diamond

My father called this morning, when he knew I would still be sleeping, to tell me my cat died last night. I was relieved that she wasn't attacked or sick, but simply died in her sleep. She was a very old cat. I remember holding her when she was kitten and I was about 3. That made her 16 when she finally went to sleep and never woke up. She was a barn cat and an excellent mouser. I named her Diamond, because the way she had different colors of brown in her coat reminded me a scene from the Rescuers when a flashlight hits a diamond. It will be strange to feed the animals without her trailing after me.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

On catching my attention

As News editor I get 20 to 50 e-mails a day, depending on the day of the week. I am annoyed by most of them and delete at least half. Others I flag to return to at a later time and the handful of useful ones I print and add to my clipboard.

Today I got a cute little card in my real mailbox about the College of Sciences Undergraduate Poster Competition. "I guess I'll send a reporter to this," I said to Lisa. She in turn pointed out how this is a perfect example of contradictions in my character.

"If you had been e-mailed the same information, you would have deleted it," she said. "But because they sent an actual invitation, you're going to send a reporter."

This is true. Had it been an e-mail, I would have ignored it and the student body would never hear about the poster competition. But because the College of Sciences put in the extra effort to make me feel like they really wanted the Evergreen to be there, I'm more willing to comply with their request.

I should note that telling me in an e-mail that a story is VERY NEWSWORTHY does not count as putting in extra effort to catch my attention. When I receive 50 e-mails a day, if you want coverage your event better actually be newsworthy or you should do something to make me like you better. Cute cards are apparently effective, though nothing can make up for a story that has no relevance to our readers.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Snow in March

That's right. It's snowing.

I will post updates from spring break and my first week back after I get the bluetooth set up on my phone. The posts won't be complete without the photos I have stored there.

However, I had to share that it is snowing outside. It was nice enough this morning that Victor didn't wear a coat when he came to campus, but then, coming back with dinner from the newly opened dining center, we got snowflakes in our sandwiches.

Mother Nature has issues.

Song of the Day

"(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction" by the Rolling Stones. They still got it.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Song of the Day

"TNT" by ACDC. Just get outta my way.

The guitar player is definitely on something.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Song of the Day

"Voodoo Child" by Jimi Hendrix. This isn't the best version of the song, but I love watching him play.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Life This Week

So much time and so little to do. Wait. Strike that. Reverse it.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Song of the Day

"Revolution" by the Beatles. Last night I watched Across the Universe for the first time. Now the songs are stuck in my head and I have a new appreciation for the music of the Beatles. I liked a few of their songs before and now like a couple more. I think that the actors in the movie did a better job with several of the songs. Aside from a couple of over the top phychedelic moments I recommend it.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Chance of a lifetime

Many of the players on the WSU basketball team are tall. One is particularly so. I have long desired to stand next to him to see just how tall he is. Lisa, her brother, and I went to watch basketball practice today. The last home game of the season is on Saturday and then the seniors will graduate. I mistakenly thought the very tall player was graduating, and the thought that I would never have the opportunity to ask again, gave me to courage to request a picture with him. Thankfully, Lisa takes her camera everywhere with her.

It made my day and I was so happy to get what I've wanted for some time. I couldn't stop smiling I was so pleased. I also got to shake hands with Tony Bennet.

Once I returned to the newsroom, I realized he is only a junior and not graduating. He did not correct me though, which was kind of him.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

WSU Elections

We made it through ASWSU elections last night. It didn't feel as stressful as I remember last year being, but perhaps that was because I was on the other side of things. It may also have been because I was not as enraged by the results.

I know exactly how Jimmy felt as he sat at the computer frantically flipping through his notes. The ASWSU reporter, Alex, was surprising calm. Rikki and I both covered elections night last year. One year later, we're both in editor positions. It seems like a fast transition and it makes me nervous to think where I'll be another year from now.

I made it back to my room at around 11:20 p.m. and I discovered that the Elections Board did not call senators who won. A write-in candidate was stressing out in my suite and thought he'd have to wait until tomorrow to find out the results. I told him that he had won and said I was surprised no one had called him. "How were they supposed to get my number?" he asked.

I thought it was funny that people unfamiliar with tracking down contact information for individuals don't realize how usually, it's pretty easy.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Song of the Day

"Rock You Like A Hurricane" by Scorpions. NASCAR has started again and with it (like baseball season) comes great commercials. I give you one of the best ones so far. Starring Kasey Kahne, one of my favorite drivers.

"I think we're satisfied." Genius.