Friday, February 29, 2008

Journalism and College

Yesterday, I did something I haven't really be able to do in a while. I wrote an update to the fraternity in trouble story the Evergreen broke on Thursday.

In the middle of my day of reporting, making phone calls and waiting for people to return them, I had to go to COM 295 (the news writing class), where I was supposed to learn to do exactly what I was already doing. It was speech writing day, so I had to listen to a speaker for 30 minutes. All I could think about was how my time could be used much more beneficially elsewhere. I had my article for the class finished before the speaker was done talking. I waited for him to finish before I turned it in, but the prof still gave me a very skeptical look for being done so quickly. At the time, I didn't care. I had more important things to care about.

This is part of the difficulty of being a student journalist. We try to do everything any other newspaper would do, but we have to fit classes in each day also.

In the evening, I moderated The Daily Evergreen ASWSU Presidential Debate. Brian was the timer. Afterward, I had another rare experience. Someone interviewed me for his broadcast class. I didn't want to, but in the end, decided to help him out. It was weird to be on the other end of the questions.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Song of the Day

"Everybody" by the Backstreet Boys. Classic.

Why you ask? Because I can and because it's SWEET! This is my childhood. Gotta love those mad choreographed dance scenes!

Cereal diet continued

I had my breakfast dry this morning because I was running late. I tried it first yesterday morning. It didn't make the cereal taste more appetizing, but it did force me to eat the cereal more slowly.

Today's problem was that I tried to eat during my first class. I ended up giving up because I wasn't sure how loud my crunching was and I didn't want everyone listening to me eat. I know from experience how obnoxious that can be.

So far the diet has not really been difficult. Yes I'm hungry, but as I've mentioned, I can always eat fruit. The diet is really just more annoying. I don't hate eating a lot of cereal, I would just prefer other food.

I also feel no lighter.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Special K Day Three

Written at around 3 p.m. so tenses are odd.

I had my boring Original Special K breakfast. It doesn't taste good but it doesn't taste bad so it's not a problem to eat. I also still try to race the effects of the milk so I eat it rather quickly.

Due to classes and a trip to the clerk's office in Colfax, I don't get to eat anything again until 2 p.m. Cereal is not meant to tide you over that long. I was quite hungry and though the second meal of cereal helped somewhat, I don't expect its effects to be long lasting.

I still get to have a snack today so I imagine that will help get me to dinner.


I made it to dinner without a snack, but because I was busy not because I wasn't hungry.

Special K Day Two

Original Special K is still not very tasty, but not too bad. I had an apple before lunch so I wasn't hungry during the morning. I forgot to bring milk to the office, so I had my second meal of cereal dry.

At 2:30 I was very hungry so I had my first snack of the day. Special K cereal snack bars do nothing to satisfy hunger.

I watched the clock until dinner time.

The lack of variety in the diet isn't that bad because I get to have as much fruit as I want. I've been eating apples and oranges. Unfortunately, I think I will run out in the next couple days and then I will just be hungry.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Getting Eachother

Have you ever thought about why you're good friends with someone? I've often wondered that about my being good friends with Christina and with my mother. They are my best friends, but why? The answer is simple. They get me and I get them. I rarely need to explain myself to either and vice versa.

It's not that we are similar, which my mother and I happen to be to a weird extent, but that we are different. I like to think that Christina and I complement each other. We balance our two personalities by overlapping them slightly. Someone once said that we "make at least 1.5 eccentric personalities." It's so true. I think all close friends are like that. We are each enough of our own person to be unique but when we come together it's like another mini-personality if you will.

I hope that made a little sense.


At OSU last year there were train tracks about 300 yards from my dorm. The train was loud. It came by frequently (several times a day) and blew it's horn the whole way through campus. Sometimes it would come at 6:30 AM sometimes 11:30 PM, those were rare times but did happen. At first the train was a nuisance, but then it grew on me. I liked waking up to it in the morning and falling asleep to it at night. I liked hearing it while I was watching a football game or studying outside. It was a comforting constant throughout my day.

There is also a train here. It is not so frequent. On my birthday it came through town. It was about 1:00 and we (my friends and I) had just laid down to sleep. I smiled as I laid there remembering the train from the previous year. The familiar sound lulled me to sleep and filled me with nostalgia.

The next morning at breakfast my friend asked if we had heard the train. I told her with a smile that I had. My other friend responded angrily and said that she as too. I was confused. I asked them why they were angry and they said because it had gone by three times in the night and had kept them awake. When I explained that I liked the sound and how it helped me fall asleep they didn't understand. I found it interesting that something that was such an annoyance to them was like a birthday present to me.


I am rejecting winter. I'm sick of it and I'm pretending it doesn't exist anymore. When I told my father this he said "let me know how that works out for ya." Thus far, it's working. Thus far, it hasn't rained. Thus far, I've only been uncomfortably cold twice.

How am I rejecting winter? I'm cutting down my clothing layers from three to two and every morning I think about wearing flip flops. I've also started to wear t-shirts that are visible to others. I'm betting it rains tomorrow.

Song of the Day

"Could You Be Loved" by Bob Marley.

Special K Day One

I was excited about eating cereal for breakfast because as it was only the first day, the diet still seemed novel. The excitement wore off as soon as I add the 2/3 cup of skim milk to the cup of cereal. All the flakes instantly went limp. I hate soggy cereal with a passion so I shoved the cereal into my mouth by the heaping spoonful as quickly as I could before the flakes completely dissolved.

The first meal was Original Special K. It tasted like slightly soggy air. Lunch on day one was a bit better. I had Vanilla Almond flavor. These flakes had a sugar coating which acted as a better milk barrier.

The roof of my mouth is getting torn up from the frantic flake chewing.

After lunch snack, I have an apple.

2:30 p.m. I was hungry again so I had a snack bar. Snack bar disappoints. They crunched up a bunch of Special K flakes and held them together using a little bit of frosting on top. Couldn't they have put oats or granola in the bar or something else soft?

A real dinner came as a welcome relief. I ate pasta and broccoli.

Monday, February 25, 2008

A Question of Hue

My random thought for the day.

Pink is really just a light red, like a light green or light blue. Why does pink get its own designation as a new color and light shades of other colors do not? Not that I'm complaining. I like pink, but it seems curious to me. Also, why have I never noticed this before?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

A Newsroom Experiment

For the entertainment section, MiX, the newsroom staff has decided we will each try "Fad diets" for a week. I have volunteered to try the Special K diet where I replace two meals a day with cereal and get to have a normal third meal. I am into day one, and hungry, but I suspect most of the hunger is probably in my head at this point.

My first complaint:

Part of the appeal of the Special K diet is that although you are eating cereal for two meals a day, there are a variety of cereal flavors. I do not like fruit in my cereal, so that eliminated many of the options for me, but I had high hopes for their Chocolatey Delight flavor. Unfortunately, it was not in the two stores I looked and I am now bitter about it. This means it'll be Original and Vanilla Almond for the next week. I was, however, able to find Chocolatey Delight Special K cereal bars. I get two snacks a day.

More complaints will follow in the coming week.

Other diets staffers are trying include a raw diet, a red, green, or white diet excluding food from countries with flags of those colors, and a grapefruit diet.

By the end of the week the staff is going to be very crabby.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Song of the Day

"American Girl" by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers. This is my favorite song.

Happy Birthday!

It's Ariel's birthday today.

She's the best friend someone could have. Being separated for most of the year, we don't talk as much as we used to, but that never seems to matter. Friends are easy to find, but the same is not true of best friends. It might be a little corny to say, but thanks for being there Ariel. I'll do my best to return the favor.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Not a morning person

I am not skilled when it comes to technology. I am not a morning person. Thus, I am even less skilled with technology in the morning. I am even less of a morning person before coffee.

Now that these premises are established, the following story hopefully sounds a bit less mean.

When I came to the office before class this morning, a reporter was trying to get in. I unlocked the door and went to check my e-mail and drink my coffee. The reporter need to print something.

"The printer is not working," he said. "It cut off the page. Can you fix it?"

This reporter knows I do not do technology.

I gave him a blank look, which soon became a silent glare. He left my desk, which was my goal all along.

Don't worry though, the glare impact will not be long lasting. He'll be back soon enough.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Recent Thoughts and Things


"...they decided to shake the poop out of the milk." ~ prof. It grossed me out a little.

"Woods are pretty bad places for humans not just because of the vicious raccoons but there are dangerous chemicals in the air." I'm sorry but are you kidding me??!! I always thought the woods were good for you but if the air is worse in the woods than in the city then my whole life has been a lie.

I truly wonder how many times my chem. prof. has almost died. He's told so many's unbelievable he's made it this far.

For biology lab I had to collect a sample of dirt and bring it to the lab. Well I forgot and had to get it on the way to lab. I happened to have a plastic bag in my backpack. So I put the dirt in the bag and put the bag in my pocket. For some reason while I was sitting in chemistry with the bag of dirt in my pocket I found the situation hilarious. That was a bad story. I'm sorry.

This week we had a guest lecturer in chemistry. We were each given a sheet and asked to evaluate her presentation. Let me just say that debate has destroyed my ability to evaluate presentation givers. I've become way too critical. Everyone around me was giving her 5s (high rating), but I was giving her tons of feedback and rating her a bit lower than everyone else. Now that I think about it however, that might not be from attending all those debate meets but could just be my critical personality...


"Don't worry. These are going to get trickier." ~instructor Andrew about trig problems. I was so worried.

"We're multiplying 3 things to get zero! Either 2 is zero...unlikely..." ~Andrew

Have you ever wanted to turn to someone and say "Dude, you're obnoxious"? I have.

I like the word "compose."


The word "parasite" gives me the shivers.

The word "fungus" is weird.

How did people figure out which mushrooms were okay to eat? Just trial and error? I hope not.

Did you know there is a thing called "mushroom prospecting"? It's true.

Me: "It's like, a peanut."
Friend: "That was deep."


"Yay for fat girls!" ~ Davielle Taken out of context that sounds way worse than it actually was.

Song of the Day

"February Song," by Josh Groban. This song is beautifully confusing.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Best Presidents' Day by far

Over 800 miles in four days
In a wet and moldy car
With a friend I see every day
To visit a friend we haven't seen in a while

The CD player was annoying
Lisa read aloud from Unreasonable Behaviour
I tried to turn up her volume
It did not work

I had Irish cream
But not in coffee
To celebrate St. Paddy's Day
He is better than St. Valentine

After grilled cheese, we visited the ocean
Played in the waves and on the rocks
Then looked at Tom Cruise while eating burritos
Before learning where the blood will be

We ate ice cream at Billy's
And felt like small children
But we beat Oregon
And later mocked a stupid truck

I visited home
To de-mold my car
So my friends could visit my farm
Where a goat skull greeted us

Later there were guns and a goose
Thumbless emus and a green egg
We visited the bone yard
My father offered Jacob a cow pelvis

We began our return early
Got giant pancakes at The Rusty Tractor
Lisa took someone's drink (by accident)
Adventure over, we made it back in time for work

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Song of the Day

"Here Comes The Sun," by The Beatles. This is one of the few Beatles songs I like. It's quite fitting for today. Go play outside.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Song of the Day

"Drive" by the Cars. Because I'm driving home...tonight. The girl in this video has issues. I'm sorry.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Song of the Day

I wanted to do something in honor of Valentine's Day. This is the best I could do without being corny. "Whole Lotta Love," by Led Zeppelin.

Different Valentine

My Valentine this year goes out to Les Schwab, for coming and bringing my car back to life and not getting mad when I turned it off, right after they jumped it. Thanks to them, I can now travel home for the three day weekend. Their customer service is amazing and I applaud them.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Song of the Day

"These Dreams" by Heart. In honor of the many I had last night.

Dream Marathon

Last night I had about 5 dreams all rolled into one. I'll give you a quick summary.

Dream 1) I was on a school bus with all my friends and we drove past Josh Groban who was walking along the side of the road. I pulled down the window and told him happy birthday.

Dream 2) It was my birthday and all of my friends from the clinic and elementary school were there. Mom, my friend, and I drank champagne.

Dream 3) I was in a restaurant and some people were smoking next to me and the people I was with. They kept blowing their smoke in my face so I stood up and challenged the "leader." He yelled some profanities at me and blew more smoke in my face so I beat him up. Then a bar fight erupted. My group won.

Dream 4) It was Bear Festival. I was walking around McCleary and seeing all of my elementary school friends.

I know there were more, but those are the ones I remember.

I know I had the first one because I was talking about that guy yesterday. I also chatted with an old friend from McCleary last night so that could explain the Bear Festival and birthday dreams. My birthday is coming up so that could also explain my birthday dream. The fighting dream however, I have no idea. This is the second one in a week. Well the first one I didn't physically fight anyone but I did use some offensive language.


If life can't have an undo button, then I think a pause button would also be useful.

It would be nice to once in a while pause life and take the day off. This may in fact sound just like taking a day off, but the problem with vacations and weekends, is that life continues to move forward while you are relaxing. You have to do a lot of catching up once you return. With a pause button, you could actually escape your worries for a time. You could take a moment and collect your thoughts without neglecting any other duties and obligations. That'd be nice.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Song of the Day

"The Way I Am" by Ingrid Michaelson. This is the song from the Old Navy sweater commercial and it always gets stuck in my head. I like it. It's got a need little melody.

That Josh Groban Guy...

There's a guy who goes to school here who looks just like Josh Groban. I see him all the time and he intrigues me, naturally. I wonder if anyone has told him he looks like Josh. My friend and I were walking into the library today and he walked past. I always feel like I stare at him when I see him, but he never looks back so I'm safe. Anyway, my friend said "Wow, that guy looks like Josh Groban!" I explained to her that I often see him and think the exact same thing. I really want to say something the next time I see him, but don't want to come off as a creeper/stalker.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Recent Decisions

I've decided that because I should write a song of the day. After I start my rock 'n' roll career.

I've decided that I have really good problem solving skills and that's why I do so well in math. So, I'm going to start applying those skills to chemistry and thinking about the whole class the same way I do math class. If I change the way I view the class maybe it'll change how ell I do in the class. Perhaps this way I'll do better.

This isn't really a decision, but more of a person observation. I tend to forget the 'e' at the end of "change" and I tend to add and 'e' to the end of "both." Isn't that weird?

Won't You Be My Neighbor?

My chemistry professor looks just like Mr.Rogers. He talks similarly, he wears the sweaters, it's weird. However, based on the strange stories he's told us about the chemistry experiments he's done I would definitely not want to be his neighbor. Here's a story to better illustrate my point.

He used live in Colorado and his drive way would freeze in the winter making it impossible to drive on. So, he decided that the logical way to get rid of the ice would be to pour gasoline on it and set it on fire because gas burns and fire is hot thus the ice would melt. Well, he lit his drive way on fire but the ice didn't melt. Know why? Because heat goes up not down. Apparently it was cool though. I'm sure, but I still don't want to be his neighbor.

Song of the Day

"Anticipation" by Carly Simon. I'm going home on Friday and I can't wait. The anticipation is making me CRAZY! The anticipation of my upcoming chemistry exam is also making me crazy, not to mention the anticipation of the sunny weather that seems to be taking its sweet ol' time getting here. Perfect song for today, for my life basically.

Sorry about the psychedelic colors. It's the only good one I could find.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

This Week's Quotables

Quote of the day: "I can basically kill one bird with two stones...I'm bad at aiming." ~Jacquie

"I'm getting off on a bit of a tangent." ~Math prof. We were talking about sine, cosine, and...

"but nobody does long division anymore! We've got calculators!" ~ Math prof.

"This is just saying 'Hi I'm theta - pi/2. What's my x-coordinate?'" ~Math prof.

Note to teachers: Don't try to be tricky on tests and exams. Unless the trickiness was discussed in class it's just not cool.

Chem Prof: "You usually have a lot of solutes. So my breath has-"
Student: "Ew."
Prof: "I understand that."

"Dog comes by and licks it [antifreeze] he'll be dead. Cat comes by...that's all right. We'll forget about that." ~Chem. Prof.

"The senility in old folks, kinda like what you're seeing in me, is not natural. It's from lead." ~Chem. Prof.

"I have so many stupid stories I wish we could have a class on stupid chemistry stories." ~Chem. Prof.

"All I can do is apologize and laugh when you miss it on a test!" ~Chem. Prof.

I think it's interesting that whenever my professor says the word "alcohol" in lecture at least two guys laugh.

It bugs me that my chemistry professor says "all-gebra" instead of algebra and "molecliar" instead of molecular. It bugs me a lot.

During biology lecture my professor was talking about autosomes and I started thinking about autobots. Nerd.

There's no such thing as a stupid question unless you're the kid who sits a few seats down from me in biology. And boy can he come up with 'um.

"They're largely that doesn't make sense..." ~Bio Prof.

My teacher said tertiary during lecture and I thought of Seven of Nine (Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero-One'). Nerd. Again. I'm sorry. It just happens.

Me: "I'm definitely a hybrid. I'm in flannel jammies so there's the inner redneck...I'm wearing two hemp bracelets so there's the inner wanna be surfer...I'm wearing black nail polish so there's the wanna be rock chick...I've got my chemistry book open in front of me so there's the inner nerd...and I've got my cross on so there's my inner church girl...I think I'm just confused."
Mom: "I'd say so."

Friday, February 8, 2008

Undo! Undo!

I think the Staples commercials with the Easy button are stupid, but I've decided life would be much improved if people had Undo buttons. Like the use in word documents, you'd only be able to undo so far back into the future, but at least if you made a mistake and immediately realized it, you could undo and try again. The world would be better for it.

... as long as it wasn't used for evil, as most useful things seem to be destined for.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Song of the Day

"E O Mai" by Keali'i Reichel.

Superior Footing

Campus pathways are icy. Slipping and falling is common. I have fallen once. Today, as I was walking from class to the newsroom, I was behind a guy wearing tennis shoes. He started slipping as he tried to walk up the hill and couldn't catch his footing. He slipped down and had to choose a different path. I walked up where he couldn't in my hiking boots and it made me happy to know my footwear was superior. I felt like I had triumphed.

I've decided this story illustrates a not so pleasant aspect of my character.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

October Tragedy

My original intention for posting was to write about the very strange dreams I have been having of late. However, just before I posted, I went through my daily ritual of checking the state's top newspaper headlines and discovered some shocking news.

In October, a woman died at the plywood plant where I worked over the summer. I learned this now because the plant was fined $3,850 by the Department of Labor and Industries. When I saw the headline, I wondered if it was the same plant, but didn't think it could be. I'm not familiar with the area where the accident happened, but I know where I worked in the plant, safety was always stressed as the highest priority, often annoyingly so. Accidents like this just go to show you why.

My condolences are a bit late now, but I wish her family and co-workers the best as they struggle to overcome this tragedy.

Monday, February 4, 2008


Courage is a funny thing. It's there when you least expect it but when you want it, it's impossible to find. There are times when I feel brave enough to polca across red square and times when I'm brave enough to answer a professor's question in front of the whole class. What about when I'm not brave? What happens to me? I feel like I disappear or become someone else watching my life. What gives one courage? What gives one fear?

There's a quote from a Josh Groban song that is "someone I am is waiting for my courage." How long will I let myself wait? When will I finally just jump into the water knowing full well that I can swim? How will it feel? Will I be satisified or will I be slapped down? It's the not knowing that gives me fear. The possibility of failure.

"Jump!" I tell myself. Then I reply "I don't think I can."

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Song of the Day

"Feel So Bad" by Elvis Presley. "Feels like a ball game on a rainy day..." Sorry, I don't usually post the slide show ones, but I don't own the song and this was the only decent video.