Friday, May 18, 2007

Blessings in Disguise?

As some of you may know I have been planning on studying abroad in Spain next year. You also may know that I am now going to Western Washington U next year. I have been contacting the study abroad office at Western (they have turned out to be very difficult people to deal with) to figure out the best program for me. There are lots of different programs in Spain and I was hoping the Spanish study abroad advisor would help me narrow the list down so I could make a smart choice. She did not help me much, but after about 10 different emails I was finally able to make a decision. The decision is that I can't go to Spain. She told me that I essentially have two options. I can either study in Spain during fall semester (Western is on quarters) but the deadlines for applications have already passed or I can go during the summer which isn't an option because I really need to work. Even though I'm sad I'm also a little relieved.

I also found out yesterday that I didn't get the summer camp job I really wanted. It would have been the perfect summer job. They would have payed $8.50 - $9.50/hour and they would have given me 40 hours/week and the hours would have been 7:30-5:30. Basically, PERFECT! Of course I didn't get it. Now I will probably end up working at Big 5 again getting crappy hours and crappy pay.

Maybe they were both blessings in disguise.

1 comment:

Todd said...

you've always said you wanted to be a barista, go work at starbucks or some other coffee place, you get tips!