Friday, February 29, 2008

Journalism and College

Yesterday, I did something I haven't really be able to do in a while. I wrote an update to the fraternity in trouble story the Evergreen broke on Thursday.

In the middle of my day of reporting, making phone calls and waiting for people to return them, I had to go to COM 295 (the news writing class), where I was supposed to learn to do exactly what I was already doing. It was speech writing day, so I had to listen to a speaker for 30 minutes. All I could think about was how my time could be used much more beneficially elsewhere. I had my article for the class finished before the speaker was done talking. I waited for him to finish before I turned it in, but the prof still gave me a very skeptical look for being done so quickly. At the time, I didn't care. I had more important things to care about.

This is part of the difficulty of being a student journalist. We try to do everything any other newspaper would do, but we have to fit classes in each day also.

In the evening, I moderated The Daily Evergreen ASWSU Presidential Debate. Brian was the timer. Afterward, I had another rare experience. Someone interviewed me for his broadcast class. I didn't want to, but in the end, decided to help him out. It was weird to be on the other end of the questions.


Todd said...

PLEEEEEEEEEASE tell me someone has video of the debate! That just sounds prime for classic Christina moments!

Todd said...

P.S. I'm sure you did very well, but I still want to see it.