Sunday, February 10, 2008

This Week's Quotables

Quote of the day: "I can basically kill one bird with two stones...I'm bad at aiming." ~Jacquie

"I'm getting off on a bit of a tangent." ~Math prof. We were talking about sine, cosine, and...

"but nobody does long division anymore! We've got calculators!" ~ Math prof.

"This is just saying 'Hi I'm theta - pi/2. What's my x-coordinate?'" ~Math prof.

Note to teachers: Don't try to be tricky on tests and exams. Unless the trickiness was discussed in class it's just not cool.

Chem Prof: "You usually have a lot of solutes. So my breath has-"
Student: "Ew."
Prof: "I understand that."

"Dog comes by and licks it [antifreeze] he'll be dead. Cat comes by...that's all right. We'll forget about that." ~Chem. Prof.

"The senility in old folks, kinda like what you're seeing in me, is not natural. It's from lead." ~Chem. Prof.

"I have so many stupid stories I wish we could have a class on stupid chemistry stories." ~Chem. Prof.

"All I can do is apologize and laugh when you miss it on a test!" ~Chem. Prof.

I think it's interesting that whenever my professor says the word "alcohol" in lecture at least two guys laugh.

It bugs me that my chemistry professor says "all-gebra" instead of algebra and "molecliar" instead of molecular. It bugs me a lot.

During biology lecture my professor was talking about autosomes and I started thinking about autobots. Nerd.

There's no such thing as a stupid question unless you're the kid who sits a few seats down from me in biology. And boy can he come up with 'um.

"They're largely that doesn't make sense..." ~Bio Prof.

My teacher said tertiary during lecture and I thought of Seven of Nine (Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero-One'). Nerd. Again. I'm sorry. It just happens.

Me: "I'm definitely a hybrid. I'm in flannel jammies so there's the inner redneck...I'm wearing two hemp bracelets so there's the inner wanna be surfer...I'm wearing black nail polish so there's the wanna be rock chick...I've got my chemistry book open in front of me so there's the inner nerd...and I've got my cross on so there's my inner church girl...I think I'm just confused."
Mom: "I'd say so."

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