Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Special K Day One

I was excited about eating cereal for breakfast because as it was only the first day, the diet still seemed novel. The excitement wore off as soon as I add the 2/3 cup of skim milk to the cup of cereal. All the flakes instantly went limp. I hate soggy cereal with a passion so I shoved the cereal into my mouth by the heaping spoonful as quickly as I could before the flakes completely dissolved.

The first meal was Original Special K. It tasted like slightly soggy air. Lunch on day one was a bit better. I had Vanilla Almond flavor. These flakes had a sugar coating which acted as a better milk barrier.

The roof of my mouth is getting torn up from the frantic flake chewing.

After lunch snack, I have an apple.

2:30 p.m. I was hungry again so I had a snack bar. Snack bar disappoints. They crunched up a bunch of Special K flakes and held them together using a little bit of frosting on top. Couldn't they have put oats or granola in the bar or something else soft?

A real dinner came as a welcome relief. I ate pasta and broccoli.

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