Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Special Effects of Plywood

So there I was, plugging at my plugger and daydreaming as usual. and then, a sudden, loud boom/bang jolted me out of my thoughts. It sounded like a large stack of wood had been dropped from a high distance. I looked up and sure enough, in the distance one could see a large dust cloud had been forced into the air. All the other pluggers heard and saw it too. I saw the foreman running towards the cloud and then all the pluggers jumped down and ran to the site also. Except for me. I work right in front of the grader and he didn't move so I figured I had better stay put also. A few minutes later, everyone came straggling back.

There is a little trough which runs along all the pluggers where the scraps of wood fall. At the bottom of the trough there is a belt which runs all the scraps into a grinder. It turns out that the motor for this grinder blew up. It is completely destroyed. No one was hurt. Some of the pieces which were blown off were so hot that even the heavy duty gloves melted if you touched them.

We kept plugging after the event but we gathered all the scraps of wood into cardboard boxes and then carried the boxes to a dumping site. I've never realized how many scraps I make each day. I hope they turn the scraps into something because if not, there are an awful lot of trees that are being wasted.

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