Sunday, July 22, 2007

Our Friday Night: Part One

As I sat in my van on Aurora Ave. Friday afternoon reading the names of the numerous bars, pubs, and taverns, I saw one of them was named The Chupacabra. I had tried to remember this word a few weeks ago in a discussion I had with Christina and now that the word was fresh in my mind I decided to call and tell her. We chatted for about 10 minutes and I explained to her that we had been driving since 1:00PM and now were stuck in North Seattle trying to avoid the traffic on I-5. We finished up our conversation and I told her I would call her when we finally got home. My mom then asked if Christina and I had any plans for that night. I half chuckled and told her no. Mom asked me why I laughed and I replied "why would we have plans for tonight?" "Because it's Friday night." But Christina and I never do anything on Friday nights other than hang out at my house and watch a movie. We like our mellow nights.

When we finally got home after 7 hours of driving and for me 7 hours of nausea and headache, I called Christina back. We then decided to go to a late movie in Olympia to kill time until midnight when we would drive over to Barnes & Noble and pick up her reserved copy of Harry Potter. I was rather excited and said to mom "Yay! I guess I am doing something tonight!"

When Christina arrived, she stepped out of her car wearing the navy blue Evergreen Swim Club sweatshirt I "gave" to her. I looked at her and giggled "I should wear mine too!" She nodded and giggled with excitement. I ran and got my other matching sweatshirt and she excitedly explained how when we are standing in line we will have to stand next to each other so that together the sweatshirts read "Ariel VanZandt" (she has the "Ariel" one). No one else thought it was funny.

Our first stop was Top Foods as we were in need of sugar and drinks to get us through the night. As we entered we saw a line of Harry Potter freaks fans camping out by the flowers. Turns out even Top Foods was having a midnight release of the new book. We made our way to the back of the store to the candy area. After we had gotten our candy I realized that I really hadn't eaten much that day because of my car sickness and that I now was ready for some "real" food. We wandered over past the bread then into the produce discussing the different options. Christina tried to convince me that a $5.99 piece of tiramisu was "real" food and as tempting as it was I had to decline. I actually decided on some green grapes. As I was putting them into the bag Christina informed me that green grapes hurt her teeth.

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