Sunday, July 22, 2007

It is finished.

I finished reading the seventh Harry Potter book about half an hour ago. I can't say much more than that right now because I fear spoiling it to those who know me well.

I began reading the book at about three this afternoon after it arrived in the mail. I would have been able to start reading this morning when I awoke, but Barnes and Noble disappointed me. I tried to pick up my reserved copy at midnight but since I had not been willing to wait at the doors since six o'clock in the evening, Ariel and I could not go into the store.

To those who waited for the six hours and received their copy 14 hours before me, I applaud your dedication. I wonder what your reaction was to the ending.


Unknown said...

Excellent. The epilouge was more than a little cliched, but the ending fit, damnit.

Todd said...

dude you are hardcore, i think im only 250 pages in, but i havent been able to devote a lot of time to it yet, just a couple hours before i fall asleep