Monday, July 23, 2007

Our Friday Night: Part Three

The next stop was the cinema in the mall. On the way over we discussed the ridiculousness of the self scanner. Then I realized that I would have to sneak my grapes and candy and big bottle of GatorAid into the theatre. According to Ali, the people at the new theatres are very persnickety about letting people in with outside food. We were going to buy the tickets then find a bathroom so I could wash my grapes off, but realized that the rest of the mall is closed at 10PM. So, we just walked in and nobody cared. We went into the bathroom and I rinsed off my grapes and shook them vigorously to get the water off. I wasn't satisfied with just shaking them so I stuck them under the hand blow drier, which basically just happened for laughs because it didn't accomplish much.

We then made our way into our designated theatre and wouldn't you know it it was deserted. We got our prime choice for seats (second section, first full row, right in front of the bar). We chatted for a few seconds about how wonderful it was that we had avoided the scary Harry Potter fans then each pulled out our favorite magazine from my Top Foods bag and read in silence. Thanks again Christina. It's great that we don't have to talk to each other when we are together. We are perfectly happy hanging out in silence. I also found our magazines amusing. Christina chose
Cosmopolitan and I chose Every Day with Rachel Ray. They are so opposite from each other, and at the same time reflect our personalities which are also opposites.

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