Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I know this is my second post about my weird dreams, but I've finally been able to sleep due to my now sick and therefore quiet suite mates. One of last night's dreams was about Remus Lupin. He and Sirius had just saved my life and we were standing in the skeletal remains of a Gothic style building. Suddenly the moon came out from behind the clouds and Lupin turned into a werewolf. I spent most of the dream running from him and at one point ended up in a boat trying to head back to the building. I had to try to mix dangerous chemicals in a beaker while in the rocking in the boat. I was frustrated at the situation but managed to properly mix the chemicals and turn Remus back into a human. One person in our group was scratched but not bitten.

I think the chemicals might have something to do with my chemistry exam on Friday. As for the werewolf's Halloween.

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