Thursday, October 11, 2007

One step forward, two back

One of my worst traits is that I tend to judge people. It's something I'm aware of and am trying to improve upon.

This morning on my way to class, I was walking behind a girl wearing a T-shirt promoting alcohol. I saw her, but mentally checked myself to not judge. Then I saw said girl point out a smoker to her friends and then purposely walk by the smoker coughing.

I then felt justified in judging the girl for her questionable apparel since she judged another individual for her lifestyle choices. (I think smoking is stupid too, but going out of your way to let a smoker know you think that, is ridiculous.)

Two wrongs don't make a right, but my path to being less judgemental requires baby steps.


Ariel said...

A bit hypocritical of her don't you think?

Unknown said...

I don't think so.