Sunday, October 21, 2007

The difference between a T and F

I did not want to pay attention in Philosophy on Thursday. I wanted to read the paper. I don't like to be rude and read the paper right in front of the teacher, so I sat in the back, something I rarely do. But, as is often the case in my stories, I forgot one crucial detail during my decision making process. I was wearing my glasses which don't have my updated prescription.

It just so happened that in class that day we were working on truth tables. The entire board become covered with Ts and Fs, letters which with my poor vision, I could not distinguish. The Ps and Qs were a little easier to see, but the Os, Cs, and Ds blended together.

I can't decide if the moral of the story is don't read the paper during class or always get your glasses prescription updated.

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