Monday, October 22, 2007

Today's Annoyances (thus far)

As I said before, I'm in a bad mood today. Truthfully, it's probably hormonal (sorry boys), but it could also be because I didn't sleep much last night. I kept waking up, looking at the clock, rolling over, dosing off, waking up, looking at the clock, rolling over, dosing off, etc. all night long. Anyway, this mood has heightened how easily I get annoyed. Let's look at a few things shall we?

The girl behind me was tapping the back of my seat all through lecture. I don't mean randomly kicking my seat, she was tapping a four four rhythm. Did she not think I could feel it? Couldn't she hear her foot hitting my seat? I could and it was pissing me off.

Then while my teacher was in the middle of teaching (imagine that) my coffee mug slipped out of my hands and went crashing down to the floor. Naturally it made a huge ruckus as plastic normally does when it hits concrete, AND I had failed to securely fasten the lid therefore coffee went all over the floor and I did not meet my coffee quota for the day. Bummer.

Between Chemistry and Math:
I was hurrying along to get to my math class in time, when I kept getting shoved into the bushes and trees because the people coming at me could not grasp the concept of staying to the right. Five or six of them would take up the whole path. I wanted so badly to stop in my tracks and say "WHERE AM I SUPPOSED TO WALK WHEN YOU DO THAT?!?"

10 Minutes Ago:
My plan for the day was to do my laundry and read for anthropology before meeting Kyndra for some soccer practice. When I got back to my room I gathered up my laundry and my book and walked over to the Service Center. Before heading down to the laundry room I was going to put $20 on my laundry card. As I turned to insert my card into the laundry card money putter on-er thingy I saw all these signs that said "OUT OF ORDER." Which is how it was last weekend too. Dang it. Good thing I'm going home this weekend.

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