Sunday, October 14, 2007

This Week's Quotables And In Class Happenings

  • "They have translated the Bible into Klingon." ~Anth. Prof. That's actually more of a fun fact, but hey.
  • During Anthropology early this week I was paying close attention to what my professor was trying to communicate to us, when I felt some one's eyes on me. I looked to my left and saw the girl sitting a few seats down from me staring at me intently over her glasses. It was one of those Christina, painful, melting your flesh with their eyes stares. Startled, I quickly looked away. "That was scary," I though. I still can't figure out why she was trying to kill me with her eyes. I was honestly just sitting there.
  • One of the boys behind us however, had his foot resting on the empty chair next to me and was bouncing it like mad. All the seats are connected in that lecture hall so as I was trying to jot down my notes they kept getting all squiggled up because of that darn foot bouncer! I wanted so badly to turn around and yell "STOP THAT!"
  • "It's like when you go to the store and you can't just throw the box of pearls in there! So what else to you get?" "CHOCOLATE!" "OH CHOCOLATE! They should just tape that right to the box!" ~Anth. Prof. discussing taboo words in culture and our taboo with menstruation.
  • "There are eight different kinds of Oreos! Have you ever had decision over load?! They have mint, and peanut butter, and inside out, and double stuffed, and double chocolate! JUST GIVE ME THE GOD DAMN REGULAR ONES!! What was wrong with those?!" ~Anth. Prof. She has a point.

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