Friday, November 2, 2007

A Question For The Audience

Do you have a happy movie? I suppose it could also be referred to as a sad movie. What is the one movie you watch when you are sad or sick or depressed? That movie you watch when you want to feel happy. It might be the movie that makes you cry and get it all out or the movie that makes you laugh hysterically and forget about what's troubling you. Is it The Fox and The Hound? Is it Gone With The Wind? What? Tell me.

This is mine.


Todd said...

I dont think i have a "happy movie" but I know the only movie that has ever and still probably could make me cry, the original Homeward Bound, when Shadow comes up over the hill... gets to me every time

Todd said...

by the way, i found the soundtrack and even it got me a bit vaclempt

Ariel said...

Why you feel bad though, what kind of movie do you watch? That's what I was looking for.

Todd said...

i know, but i dont watch movies when im sick or feeling sad or whatever, i normally watch tv, and if i am in a crappy mood i watch nickelodeon or something else childish