Wednesday, November 7, 2007

One of those days

It's going to be one of those days.

First, I slept and hour later than I would have liked leaving me less time to study for my Philosophy test before class.

Then, as I was getting ready, I completely missed my eyelashes and put mascara directly into my eye. It stopped watering and I expect the redness to go away soon.

One of my previous writers who I kind of fired but not really because I simply haven't spoken to him in many weeks, is working at the dining center. I know this and usually just try to avoid him, but today he stood between me and breakfast.

O, and remember how there are two main doors into the newsroom, but one was closed due to asbestos? Well now the other door is closed for the same reason. First door has reopened though.

Maybe it will just be one of those mornings and not the whole day.

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