Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A few words and random quotes

Being news editor is different than I thought it would be. It also keeps me busier than I expected. Still, though I practically live in the newsroom, I am enjoying myself. As I enter the third week of the job, my staff is finally beginning to come together so I have a moment to type these few words. Ariel will return to school soon also and with a better internet connection, I expect the frequency of her posts to increase as well.

As I have not posted in a while, I wish this post to be at least a little entertaining. I've decided the easiest and most efficient way to accomplish this is to share quotations from the newsroom quote board, my profs, and the paper's "Overheard in Pullman" feature.

Newsrooms are special places.

"If I ever get married, I want my wife to give birth to a puppy." - He dislikes children

"This is like eating rainbows." - In reference to a Scooby Doo push pop

"Stop copy editing the people."


"How do we know Angelina Jolie is a liberal?"
"Because she cares about poor people." - Student response

"Their grooves are hellaciously deep." - referring to the schemas of bigots


"My poli sci class is such a joke. My professor kept talking about the Cuban Missile Crisis. What the hell is that?" (This was my poli sci class. Thanks to I.B./my H2O class and my literacy, I knew what the CMC was.)

"You can't have a memorial service without Hawaiian Punch." - mourning the death of Weekly World News

"I will not carry two half-gallons!"
"You WILL carry two half-gallons!" - arguing over vodka transport

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