Tuesday, September 25, 2007

College Stress Update

Officially as of right now I only have 10 credits (2 classes). I couldn't get into the math class I need so I'm just going to show up tomorrow and do anything (almost) to get in. I also have to attend the biology class I dropped, just in case I can't get into the math class.

I also think I'm going to change my major, again. It's actually more of an alteration. I think I'm going to do the Bio/Anth BA instead of the BS. The BA is only 89 credits and the BS is ~105. I could still go to medical school if I wanted and I wouldn't have to take a full year of math this year. Only one term is needed. SWEET.

Right now I'm in the process of weighing my pros and cons for the BA vs the BS. Thoughts anyone?

I can't wait to get off this roller coaster, but that's life isn't. I should write a song.

1 comment:

Todd said...

i'm willing to bet large amounts of money that song has already been written. and how do you get a bachelor of the ARTS degree for a science-y major?