Friday, October 5, 2007

Crazy Quotations

Here are more quotations from my professors. Enjoy.

  • "Ear viruses" ~My Anth. Prof referring to bad songs that always get stuck in your head.
  • "Remember in 4th grade history when they made you remember all those dates? I hate that. Why do they do that to children?" ~Anth. Prof
  • "I know you're probably thinking of some south sea island & a lecherous male..." ~Anth Prof while discussing sexual relationships during field work.
  • "Are there really that many Is in 'divisible'? I used to know how to spell then I became a chemist."~Chem Prof
  • "It would be as if I would go running at this wall and go right through it. Which would be totally cool. I wouldn't be here. I'd be a very rich man." ~Chem Prof
  • "My knowledge of this part of the periodic table is pretty limited because frankly...I don't care." ~Chem Prof
  • "Guys, this is how a general chemistry course works. I wake up in the morning and think 'what lies am I going to tell my general chemistry class today?" "...I keep track of the lies and test you on them during the exams." ~Chem Prof

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