Sunday, October 21, 2007

Another sad coffee story

I've haven't posted in a while so I have some catch up posting to do. There are several things I meant to blog about during the week but didn't, like ...

On Wednesday, I had a rough morning. Wednesday's are my sleeping in day, but last week it was also the day of our special Best of Pullman section. I had a profile for Pullman's favorite police officer due by noon, but had yet to speak to the subject. I knew he started work at 7 Wednesday morning. I set my alarm for 8, figuring I would give him some time to get settled at work, wake up and call him, and schedule an interview for later in the morning. Unfortunately, at 8:00, while I'm still in my pajamas, he said then was a good time for an interview. So I quickly got dressed, put myself together, and drove to the Pullman police station. I had no time for breakfast or more importantly coffee, and it was very cold.

The early morning interview finished, I immediately went to get myself some coffee. It was going to fix my desire for coffee and warm me up. But I was tired and running on auto pilot. I mistakenly ordered an iced latte. By the time I realized it, it was too late. I ruined the thing which could have saved my morning. I was sad. And still cold.

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