Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Calm and Peace

I was hanging out with friends over the weekend and talk turned to the topic of yoga.

"Do you think you'd like yoga," I was asked.

"No, I'm not a very peaceful person," I replied.

I meant to say I'm not a very calm person. I'm just a little bit high strung. You would think yoga would be good for me and help me relax, but I think my frustration at trying to relax would cancel out any of the good. I can't turn my mind off to go to sleep. I doubt I could do it for yoga.

1 comment:

Ariel said...

I think you'd like it. It's not about turning your mind off. It's about focusing on yourself, your body, your center. It gives you time to think about something other than what is making you crazy. It'd be good for you.