Thursday, March 6, 2008

WSU Elections

We made it through ASWSU elections last night. It didn't feel as stressful as I remember last year being, but perhaps that was because I was on the other side of things. It may also have been because I was not as enraged by the results.

I know exactly how Jimmy felt as he sat at the computer frantically flipping through his notes. The ASWSU reporter, Alex, was surprising calm. Rikki and I both covered elections night last year. One year later, we're both in editor positions. It seems like a fast transition and it makes me nervous to think where I'll be another year from now.

I made it back to my room at around 11:20 p.m. and I discovered that the Elections Board did not call senators who won. A write-in candidate was stressing out in my suite and thought he'd have to wait until tomorrow to find out the results. I told him that he had won and said I was surprised no one had called him. "How were they supposed to get my number?" he asked.

I thought it was funny that people unfamiliar with tracking down contact information for individuals don't realize how usually, it's pretty easy.

1 comment:

Todd said...

Dude I know! It seems so obvious to look up the number and call it... But maybe we are just a weird species...