Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Classes - Fall 2007

Classes have begun. I had one yesterday and four today.

1) Criminal Law - This class has great potential to be interesting. I hope it lives up to it. Two other Evergreen editors are in the class also.

2) International Relations (a.k.a. Pol S 103) - The instructor is fascinating. Unfortunately, I spent the first class period sandwiched between two frat boys who used the hour and 15 minutes to catch up on summer doings. Phrases like "Yo, dude" and "Way, cool," and "O, I was blacked out that night," floated back and forth above my head the entire class.

3) Logic and Reasoning - Picture a short, nearly bald man with thick glasses. Imagine him speaking like the teacher from Charlie Brown except, every few minutes, insert "Conversely," into the mwah mwahmp mwah.

4) Communicantion and Technology - This course is lab and lecture with the lab being today. It is my TA's first time being a TA. I have a horrible time understanding accents and he is Korean. To make matters worse, he was confused about the attendence sheet and read off first and middle names instead of first and last.

5) Language and Behavior - The instructor is very enthusiastic. I enjoyed his lecture, and found him funny. But not as funny as he found himself.

I haven't really given much thought to classes so far because I've been focused on the semester. All of my classes are required but I am excited about 1,2, and 5. I don't think the semester will be unsatisfactory.

1 comment:

Todd said...

dude i wish UAA had international relations, i wanted that to be my minor.